Hello, it's a new month and it's been an interesting few days in Le Defense for me. First off, I was scolded for disclosing sensitive information in my blog. So, I am no longer able to refer to some aspects of my regular life over here. I guess I continue to learn something new ever day...
We had an extra consultant with us this week - Hamish Johnson from the UK (originally from New Zealand). I think he is the only one of our group who is younger than 50 (poor bastard). Hopefully we won't warp him too badly. In his honor and due to the sunny day, we stopped for some beers after work at the Globe Trotter (a bar about half way down the esplanade). We pressed on afterwards to Nueilly for a Chinese dinner with Rod (project advisor) and Jeremy (project manager). These meals tend to last a while - we didn't head for the Residhome until 10:30. But I noticed that even at that late hour, the sky was still just at twilight. And sun-up is at about 5:00 am. That is a short night, but I rather like it. Of course, I'll have to deal with the opposite if I'm here through the winter.
And, today, after a few conversations, I finally got my living arrangements sorted (that's what the British say to mean "arranged" - I have also learned what it means if a woman is a "grapple and a half"). Anyway, long story short - IFS is to cover the apartment and hold the rental agreement. So now I can proceed to find someplace. Jay and I have a meeting tomorrow to view some places. Hopefully, we can find a suitable one or two and I can get in this next week before I return to the States. Stay tuned.