Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Commute

Bonjour. We've been in our apartment for a week now and I have been taking the Metro to commute to work. You can see all sorts of things - interesting crowds.

So my basic commute is walking out of the apartment at about 7:45. I walk down Rue Beaubourg past the Pompidou museum of modern art. In the past, I continue down to Hotel De Ville metro #1, which I take directly out to Le Defense. The main thing about the trip is seeing the two towers of Notre Dame in the sunlight as I walk. It is just a bit mind-boggling. On the normal day, you wait a few minutes for the metro and can find a seat either right away or after a stop or two. I have stood the whole way on the first day of sales (I think everyone was heading to the 4 Temps Mall at La Defense). There are usually business people and a variety of others. You cram in however you can, and get a seat if you can. Otherwise, you try to slide away from the door area and lean against something. There are little windows you can open usually to get a breeze in. The last week it has been almost 90 degrees in Paris, so very warm. I usually completely pit out my clothes a couple times. The women have it better as they can dress for work in all kinds of fashionable, but not heavy or long clothes - sundresses, tan-tops with pants, etc. They look good, and not too warm. Men still wear their coats and ties! Not me - but it is still slacks and dress shirts!

Anyway, the metro takes about 30 minutes. I listen to my i-pod. Others do the same or read. At each stop, people mostly get on until Esplanade de le Defense, which is where the businesses start. And, at the end, everyone exists. It is like being in a school of fish. You swing around the train into the flow, up stairs or escalator until you pass through the 3 exit gates (the crowd narrows to fit). Then you pour up onto the main surface of La Defense and spread out in the cool morning air. By this time, I could usually change my shirt.

You repeat the process in reverse in the evening. If you leave at 6pm, be prepared for rush hour traffic!