Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sunday with Napoleon and Rodin

Sunday, we took it a bit easy.  I went to church, and then met Debbie and Shauna at Invalides.  Again, we thought we would get a free pass to the museum for the first Sunday of the month - not at Invalides!  We bought our tickets at went to see Napoleon's Tomb - always an impressive sight in it's Eglise du Dome resting place.  To me, the crypt for General Foch is the most understated and moving, with it's black marble soldiers from WWI.  We spent time in the gardens next to the dome, and in Eglise St Louis next door, then went into the Musee de l'Armee (just took in the section covering WWI and WWII) - I figure I'll return to this when Chase visits.  It wasn't too interesting to the girls!

After Invalides, we walked next door to Rodin Museum - one of my favorite places.  We even got to go in free!  Yahoo.  Unfortunately, it started raining pretty hard just as we got into the garden.  There was a long line waiting to enter the museum, and it was time to feed ourselves - so we headed to the cafeteria next to the garden.  We lucked out and scored a table under an umbrella, and had a lovely jambon and formage baguette, and cafe for me.  Even though it was rainy, the temperature was mild.  It was great.  We wandered the garden once the rain let up.  Debbie and Shauna provided captions for the various statues - what they were saying / thinking.  Spent some time just looking at the details on many of them.  After the garden, we enjoyed a special exhibit of marble pieces next to the gift shop.  Very nice.