Monday, October 26, 2009

Old and New

In case you've been following, you may have noticed no updates in the last couple weeks. Well, my computer crashed on Tuesday night 10/23 a week and a half before I returned to the US. So no updates. Still unsure if I'll be able to recover anything on it (which means I may loose one weekend of pictures - oh, and some work stuff!)

Just to catch us all up a bit, I had just 2 weeks left in Paris after returning from the US. I tried to do as much as possible during the time. But I found that I just couldn't sustain the pace (you can only go to so many museums, and eat out so many times!).

I wanted to get back to the Louvre, and also see the Pompidou. Saturday was rainy - a perfect day for the Louvre. It was a bit crowded, but I chose to skip the most popular wings and spend more time in the Sully looking at French masters - Hubert Robert, Jean-Honore' Fragonard, Decamps, and Eugene Delacroix. Took lunch in a cafe in the Richelieu wing, overlooking the courtyard. Once again, I closed the place down after about 6 hours wandering around. It is easy to spend lots of time, and even see new things. (I did swing by Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo - just seemed like the right thing to do.) After spending the day, I walked around Palais Royale and Comedie Francaise a bit and then took the #1 metro back to the Marais - it was crushed. Just did what I always do - cram in there shoulder to shoulder (or whatever). You know, before coming to Paris, the guide books suggest taking a money belt and beware of pick-pockets. After more tight metro rides than I can remember, I never saw or encountered anything like that. I don't think it's any different than anywhere else.

I decided to return to one of my favorite restaurants for dinner - Le Petit Marche'. I arrived at about 7:30 and was told that the kitchen didn't open until 7:45. So I occupied myself with a kir outside while I waited. Had the same waitress as on Debbie and my original visit (who spoke good English - so I could talk to her a bit). I had another good meal there, but it's not quite the same when you're alone. One thing I noticed is that there are not many single diners out there in Paris. It's not like in the US where you see business people out eating alone. Most everyone in the cafe, bistro, brassiere, etc. are in couples or groups. You can have a nice dinner, but I recommend you find a place with an interesting view if you're alone!

On Sunday I went to church (and learned that they set the clocks back an hour on Oct 25 - a week earlier than the US). While I waited for church, I strolled through a display of photos across from the Branly Museum. As you walk around Paris, you never know where you will see some cool public display of art or amusements. These photos were really interesting, indigenous photographers - I ended up late for church! I tried a different route back afterwards - took the RER C line (which goes along the river and drop you off at Notre Dame - just a change of pace). I noticed there was no line at the cathedral, so I went in (since I hadn't during my whole stay). So I got to experience Mass at Notre Dame, complete with incense and Latin (at least I think that was what it was).

I spent the afternoon and evening at the Pompidou - quite a change from the Louvre! I must say I prefer the older stuff. But, if you're in Paris for 6 months, and walk by the place almost every day, you have to go see it! There are some interesting things, but the best part of the Pompidou is the view from the top floor - especially as the sun sets. You can see the whole city. There's some Picasso and Chagall paintings that I like, but I can't get into the abstract stuff. There was a big display of Pierre Soulages, a French artist. Well, most of his work was different textures of black paint on huge canvases. I will say that there were lots of people there - I think it is quite popular. There was also a display of female artists that had all kinds of bizarre stuff! I'm glad I went, but I wouldn't go twice (at least not in 6 months!).