Saturday, September 26, 2009

Me and Jim Morrison

Today I went to Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise to mingle with the rich and famous (dead, but rich and famous). That's me next to Jim Morrison's grave (lead singer of the Doors if you didn't know - one of my all time favorite groups, even if they weren't around very long). There were perhaps about 5 or 10 people who came over to the grave while I was there. There were 2 young girls (maybe 20 years old, but maybe not also) - one was actually singing a Doors song! I thought of a few myself (Crystal Ship for some reason - "Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another kiss..."), but refrained from singing. My "Light my Fire" probably sounds more like Jose Feliciano anyway.

It was a very nice sunny day. A touch of fall in the air. I have wanted to get to Pere Lachaise, so I did it. I got the free map and circled the names I recognized - Balzac, Sarah Bernhardt, Chopin, Delacroix, Max Ernst, Marcel Proust, Oscar Wilde, Gertrude Stein, (Jim Morrison, of course)... Then I located where the graves should be and spent a few hours walking around finding most of them. The cemetery overall was quite impressive, with a chapel, crematorium, various memorials and monuments. In particular, there were a number of memorials for Jewish deportees, and those who died in various French wars, and calamities. It was nice because it wasn't so busy as most places - quite peaceful.

I had thought of maybe going to Montparnasse Cemetery also, but was done in by Lachaise. Instead I opted for Jardin du Luxembourg and seeing the special exhibit of Tiffany glass at the Musee du Luxembourg. The park was quite full due to the nice weather. And the exhibit was very nice, but I was surprised it was basically two rooms, so not too much. You could see it all in about 20 minutes - and it was expensive (more than the Louvre). Well, I wanted to go. But there are 2 Tiffany windows in the American Church in Paris, and I can see them for free.

On my journey back to the apartment, I stopped at 3 different cafes - once in Luxembourg (I was going to eat, but the waiter didn't really wait on me so I had a glass of wine and left). Once on the way down to the river where I had an omelet and beer. And finally in Place Dauphine for a coffee (that was the best). Au revior.Posted by Picasa