You put your .30 Euro's in (.40 if you want fair trade coffee), or you can use a credit/ debit card. You press the + or - (you get 3 sugars, so minus if you don't want sweet coffee). Press the coffee selection (short, tall, cafe au lait, cappuccino, green tea, chocolate, etc.) It grinds away and makes a small cup of coffee in about 15 seconds. Then you stand around the machine with the others you came with and talk until you have finished (maybe 10 or so minutes). Throw your small plastic coffee cup into recycling and return to work. You do this about twice a day. When I explain in the US that you get your coffee and return to work, the French say that is why the US is so productive!
If this doesn't work for you, stop at Starbucks before work and get a Venti (just like in the US).